Medication Take-Back Day Sept. 24th at PCHC Pharmacy

PCHC pharmacy staff are hosting a medication take-back day at Penobscot Community Health Center Pharmacy, 1012 Union Street, Bangor, on September 24th 10am-2pm. The public can turn in unwanted or expired medications for proper disposal. Local police departments will be on-hand to safely dispose of them. The event is free and open to the public. No appointment necessary. For more information, please call 207-992-4100, option 3.

Event Details
What: Safely dispose of unwanted or expired meds at Medication Take-Back Day
When: September 24th 10am-2pm
Where: Penobscot Community Health Center Pharmacy, 1012 Union Street, Bangor
Details: Free and open to the public. Call 207-992-4100, option 3 to learn more.