Contact Us

Schedule an Appointment

Contact one of our Practice Locations.

Frequently Dialed Departments

Administration  207-992-9200

Human Resources 207-404-8218

Billing  207-404-8200

Medical Records  207-404-8101

Pharmacy  207-992-4100

Referrals  207-404-8300

Concerns & Feedback

Do you have concerns or feedback about your care?

Tell us. Your input matters. We encourage you to reach out to your provider’s office to begin the feedback process.  We are committed to using your feedback to improve your experience as well as the experience of all of our patients.

PCHC Practice Contacts:



Adult Wellness Center
Danica Loring, 207-404-8000 x2809
Brewer Medical Center Taylor Beaulieu, 207-404-8000 x2492
Community Care & Geriatrics Mary Howes, 207-404-8000 x2102
Dental Center Katelyn O’Neill, 207-404-8000 x1632
Helen Hunt Health Center Amy Young, 207-404-8000 x2405
Hope House Health & Living Center Amy Durant, 207-404-8000 x1817
Jackman Community Health Center Rachel Coleman, 207-668-7755
Medical Specialists Christy Spencer, 207-404-8000 x3092
Penobscot Community Health Center Amy Smith, 207-404-8000 x2012
Penobscot Pediatrics Christy Spencer , 207-404-8000 x3092
Seaport Community Health Center Rachel Jewett, 207-404-8000 x2724
PCHC’s Confidential Fraud Hotline  844-390-9806


If you have a concern that could not be resolved at the practice level, please contact:

PCHC’s Patient Liaison 


CMS Ombudsman Program

1-800-MEDICARE or

Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine

137 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333 – 0137

Complaints 888-365-9964

If you believe that PCHC has failed to provide language services or discriminated in another way, please contact:

PCHC’s Civil Rights Coordinator

103 Maine Avenue, Bangor, Maine 04401,

207-992-9200, fax: 207-907-7077


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights

Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal

200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201

1- 800-868-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)

Complaint forms are available at