Chuck LeBlanc, DC

Dr. LeBlanc’s specialty practice centers on all aspects of high-quality chiropractic care, which involves a variety of treatment approaches and adjustments to the spine and other areas of the body in order to help improve alignment and movement, alleviate pain, and assist in the body’s healing process. His practice includes a variety of treatment approaches to manage musculoskeletal complaints in order to help alleviate pain, facilitate healing, and improve functional outcomes.
Dr. LeBlanc is currently accepting new patients at Brewer Medical Center; for an appointment, please call 207-989-1567.
BLS Graston IASTM-M1 Certification FMT-Basic Certification National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
American Chiropractic Association Maine Chiropractic Association American Academy of Pain Management
BA in Natural Sciences, St. Anslem College, 1993
Doctor of Chiropractic, University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic, 2015
Clerkship, VA Medical Center, Newington, CT, 2015
Internship, Optimus Healthcare Inc., Bridgeport, CT, 2015