2013 Senior Expo Planned for November 12th

Please join Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC) and Eastern Area Agency on Aging for the 2013 Senior Expo on Tuesday, November 12th, 9am-1pm at the Brewer Auditorium, 318 Wilson Street, Brewer.   The event is sponsored in part by Walgreens and will focus on senior health and safety. 

 Health screenings, flu shots, and falls risk assessments will be provided, as well as door prizes, Medicare D Enrollment Assistance, and a chance to properly dispose of unused or expired medications using the Penobscot County Triad Drug Drop-Off Box.  PCHC Pharmacists will also be on-hand to provide medication safety checks, so please bring your prescriptions and over-the-counter medications with you if you have questions and would like your medications reviewed.

 For more information, please visit www.eaaa.org or www.pchc.com or contact Sarah Dubay, Director of Communications, at 207-992-9200 ext. 1402