Hope House Receives Check from Labor Ready

Leah Barteaux, Labor Ready Branch Manager, presented Ann Giggey, Hope House Manager, and Hope House staff with a check for $500 from Labor Ready’s National Headquarters on Wednesday, June 12th.  The Hope House was nominated for the funding by the local Labor Ready who hoped to recognize the efforts of the shelter and for consistently providing the company with workers.

Ann Giggey, Hope House Manager, states, “We are grateful for the recognition and support of Labor Ready and are pleased to collaborate with them to help employ Hope House guests.”

Hope House is a 64 bed emergency homeless shelter licensed by MSHA and the Office of Substance Abuse, the 2nd largest shelter in the state of Maine.  Hope House provides an integrated medical model of care for homeless guests consisting medical care, psychiatric care, and case management services.  In addition to housing and health care services, three meals per day are provided with assistance from various community groups.  Hope House is the community safety net in Bangor, managing the city of Bangor’s overflow of homeless persons from other shelters.  Hope House is running over capacity serving more than 80 homeless persons per night.