Jackman Community Health Center Receives Skowhegan Savings Charitable Foundation Grant

Skowhegan Savings Charitable Foundation has generously awarded PCHC’s Jackman Community Health Center a grant in the amount of $25,000 to help fund a new Urgent Care entrance so that it is safe and accessible for patients and the community. Jackman Community Health Center provides the only Urgent Care and Walk-In Care within many miles, and with the help of Skowhegan Savings, these facility improvements allow PCHC to better serve people of the Jackman region.

Kenneth Schmidt, MPA, PCHC President and CEO, states, “This very generous award demonstrates the commitment of Skowhegan Savings Bank to the people of the Jackman region. We greatly appreciate it.”

“Skowhegan Savings is pleased to support the Jackman Community Health Center, which is such a critical part of the Greater Jackman community,” said John Witherspoon, President of Skowhegan Savings. “To be the only provider of 24 hour walk-in care within a 50 mile radius, our Charitable Foundation finds requests like these imperative to support, based on our commitment to economic development and enhancing the lives of the citizens in the communities of which we serve.”