PCHC Names 2016 Clinical & Non-Clinical Employees of the Year
We are pleased to announce that Lily Stadig, PBT, Client Service Specialist, Laboratory, and Angela Huff, BA, Helpdesk & Project Manager, IT Department, were named PCHC’s 2016 Clinical and Non-Clinical Employees of the Year! This year’s honorees provide exceptional care and service to others and were nominated by their fellow employees during PCHC’s Employee Appreciation Events.
Employees of the Year at PCHC are chosen for embodying the finest spirit, mission, and values of PCHC. Our values are Patient-Centered Care, Respect, Passion, Quality, Innovation, and Collaboration.
Ken Schmidt, MPA, PCHC President and CEO, said “Lily and Angela were chosen to represent PCHC out of twenty-two outstanding practice and department Employees of the Year. Their commitment to our mission, quality of care, and service to others is exceptional.”
PCHC hosted Employee Appreciation BBQs during August and September to express thanks for all 700 PCHC employees who provide high-quality and helpful health care for our 62,000 patients. The Employee Recognition Events provide an opportunity for senior leaders, who donate the BBQs and serve PCHC employees, to thank each employee, from across the organization. During the events 113 employees received awards for their years of dedicated service to PCHC.
PCHC employees are committed to quality and safety for their patients and have demonstrated this by earning AAHC Accreditation and the highest levels of national certification by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) as Patient Centered Medical Homes.