PCHC Receives Maine Cancer Foundation Grant Award

PCHC is pleased to announce a recent grant award received from Maine Cancer Foundation in the amount of $38,500 to support efforts to reduce gaps in cancer screening for its patients.

The goal of the project is to increase the percentage of patients who obtain appropriate cancer screenings and to improve patient outcomes by identifying cancers early enough to decrease morbidity and mortality rates. To achieve this goal, PCHC will work to 1) promote appropriate cancer screenings, 2) identify patient barriers to receiving cancer screenings, 3) ensure the appropriate reporting and documentation of cancer screenings, and 4) meet or exceed PCHC’s 2014 cancer screening rates.

Noah Nesin, MD, Chief Medical Officer, states, “We appreciate the support of Maine Cancer Foundation and are proud of the work of our care teams who continue to close gaps in cancer screening for our patients, leading to earlier detection and improved patient outcomes.”

Through the grant, PCHC plans to hire an Outreach Medical Assistant to lead its Gaps-in-Care Program and ensure that patients receive the cancer screenings they need. The Outreach Medical Assistant will proactively focus on reaching out to any PCHC patient who may be overdue for three, specific cancer screenings: breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, and colorectal cancer screening. The Outreach Medical Assistant will then work with patients to help schedule appropriate tests, assist patients in overcoming any barriers to tests (ie. inadequate insurance or transportation), and help the patient explore alternative test options and care management strategies.