Behavioral Health Home (BHH)

BHH is a community model of care run through MaineCare regulations. In order for someone to qualify for this service, they need to have MaineCare and an active mental health diagnosis. We review medical information with these patients annually to ensure they continue to qualify for the program. This team is made up of social workers, each seeing a caseload of between 25-30 patients at a given time.

We also have embedded social workers, which you will find throughout the PCHC practices (like, Penobscot Peds, Hope House, Brewer Medical Center, Family Practice, Helen Hunt Center and Adult Wellness). These patients are those that could benefit from short term social service assistance. Sometimes, these are people who don’t qualify for MaineCare, they may not have an active mental health diagnosis, or, they might need some short term help, such as help with understanding the SSI process. Our Embedded Social workers see about 10 embedded patients, and 15 BHH patients to help serve the community need.

What do we do?

Our group of Social Workers are here to help patients navigate through life milestones and to help them obtain the resources they need to thrive.

Resources our team can help with include basic needs like clothing and food assistance, Substance Use and addictions support, SSI or SSDI applications and process navigation, assistance with employment applications and organizing bills, as well as housing assistance and many other community support needs. We also help coordinate care to help ensure patients make it to their appointments and get their medical needs met.